Menu principal
- The LIPhy
- In the headlines
- It happened at LIPhy
- (Mean-Field) Disorder Dynamics in Driven Amorphous Materials
- Bubbles and droplets for nanotechnology and nanomedicine
- Cellular force exertion in 3D: how to quantify and its role for pathological angiogenesis
- Characterisation and modelling of soft tissues
- Dynamics of spatial networks: the case of transportation systems
- Elastic Instabilities in Soft Matter: From Squeaking Interfaces to programmable fluids
- Electrifying active matter
- Fluctuation-induced couplings at the solid-liquid interface
- From NanoBob to RIQS: Towards the Future Quantum Internet
- Mesoscale properties of biomolecular condensates emerge from nanoscale dynamics
- Model-based interpretation of high-throughput biological data to understand RNA degradation
- Modelling Plastic Deformation in Amorphous Solids
- Modelling transport phenomena for the decontamination of porous and absorbent surfaces
- Natural hydrogen exploration: facts and overstatements
- Non Equilibrium Transitions in a Template Copying Ensemble
- Optical imaging through multimode fibres
- Phase separation and interface dynamics: near-critical droplet spreading and evaporation, and colloidal skin formation
- Physical Models and Machine Learning for Scientific Imaging
- Symmetry breaking and collective effects in biological physics
- The physics of band patterns of Red Blood Cells in density gradients and other blood tests
- The power of turgor pressure in plants
- Theory and Applications for Wave Scattering in Tunable Complex Media
- Understanding microbial growth by means of simple models and experiments
- Visualizing cellular functions in three dimensions with ultrasound
- [Non-Permanents Only] Capture of CO2 Using Aqueous Foam // How to Electrically Persuade Cells to Dance to Your Tune
- [Non-permanents only] Imaging light fluence distribution in blood vessels with combined photoacoustic fluctuation imaging and Ultrasound Power Doppler / Shaping evanescent waves
- [Non-permanents only] Invisible Women // Visualisation of porosity in human dentin: Challenges and achievements
- [Non-permanents only] Raman Spectroscopy for Gas Sensing // Hemocompatible Polymers Brushes for Biomedical Applications
- Non-permanents' Seminars
- Defenses
- Science outreach
- Team Members
Instrumental Developments
- Why use an optical cavity (of high finesse)?
- The CRDS technique
- Broadband CEAS using a femtosecond laser
- CEAS by optical feedback and its extension into the mid-infrared with quantum cascade lasers
- Subglacior/Ice and Lasers Project
- Decay time absorption spectroscopy with a radio frequency tunable laser
- Ultra-sensitive absorption spectroscopy
- Trace analysis in gas phase
- Isotope ratio measurements
- Publications
- Team Members
- Publications
- Regulation of bacterial growth
- Modeling the variability of microbial growth
- Resources allocation strategies in microorganisms
- Stress response and biofilm formation in E. coli
- Small RNAs and gene regulation in E. coli
- Global post-transcriptional regulations in E. coli
- RNA synthetic biology
- Synthetic bacterial ecosystems
- Directed evolution by phage display
- Dynamical models of ecosystems
- Ecosystems, biodiversity and population genetics
- Neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography
- Mini-bioreactors
- Engineering of bacterial genomes
- Microfluidic devices for the selection of bio-recognition elements
- Production optimization for biotechnologies
- Statistical analysis tools for microbial growth and gene expression data
- MC2
- Microtiss
- Optima
- Networks and Collaborations
- Scientific Productions
- Thesis Defense
- Resources
- Innovation and Partnerships
Join us
- Study of the response of ultra-sensitive spectrometers in tenuous planetary atmospheres
- Dynamics of CO2 capture by aqueous foams
- Captation du CO2 par une mousse de sang
- Caractérisation par AFM de particules de gel - Application aux cellules vivantes
- Ionic liquids under confinement: capillary freezing or surface effect?
- Mesure du champ d'écoulement autour des microbulles nageuses
- Modélisation de la dynamique 3D d'un tissu biologique in vivo
- Development of a high-resolution photoacoustic imager
- Connectomic analysis of multi-scale cellular networks
- The Bacterial Nucleoid
- Collective effects in complex environments in fish
- Fish – bubble analogy
- Molecular quantification of density and oligomerization
- CO2 Capture by Nanoporous Materials: Molecular Simulation and Multiscale Approach
- Détection acoustique optimale en milieu diffusant complexe
- Entropy and thermal properties of water near hydrophobic interfaces
- Nanofluidic exchanger for harvesting saline gradients energy
- Optimal selective focusing of light on moving targets
- PhD: Detection of radicals in the near-UV by dual-comb spectroscopy
- Modeling of active structuring in microtubule-motor assemblies
- Post-Docs
- Engineers, Technicians, Administrative staff
- Researchers, Teachers-Researchers