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Applications to atmospheric chemistry
- Airborne measurements in the troposphere of greenhouse gases and for air quality monitoring by OF-CEAS: CH4 on board a NASA DC8 (collaboration with H.-J. Jost from the BAER Institute in the USA and M. Ramonet from the LSCE in Saclay); CO on board a pleasure plane (collaboration with I. Xueref-Rémy at the LSCE in Saclay).
- Balloon-borne stratospheric measurements (up to 20 km altitude): CH4 and CO measurements by OF-CEAS in the skies of Sweden and Canada. Collaboration with V. Catoire at LPC2E (Orléans).
- Measurements in Antarctica for the study of the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere: IO, BrO, NO2 and CH2CO by ML-CEAS, collaboration with M. Legrand and S. Preunkert from IGE (Grenoble).
Applications to geosciences
- Volcanic emission measurements to detect changes in the magma chamber of a volcano and predict its eruptions: CH4, CO and NH3 by OF-CEAS. Collaboration with L. Gianfrani of the University of Naples 2 (Italy).
- Analysis of air bubbles trapped in ice cores for past climate reconstruction: CH4 and CO by OF-CEAS. Collaboration with J. Chapellaz and X. Faïn from IGE (Grenoble).
Medical applications
- Analysis of exhaled air from patients with respiratory disorders: CH4 and CO measurements by OF-CEAS solving the respiratory cycles. Collaboration with Ch. Clerici of the Hopital Bichat Claude Bernard, Paris.
- Evaluation of the quality of lung grafts ex-vivo: measurements by OF-CEAS of NO (on porcine model) and CO (porcine model as well as on organs subsequently grafted on patients). Collaboration with R. Briot from TIMC-IMAG/CHU of Grenoble and E. Sage from Foch Hospital in Suresnes.
Industrial applications
- Industrial site monitoring: HF measurements by OF-CEAS, CEA collaboration.
The actors
Guillaume MÉJEAN
Support technician
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