Welcome to LIPhy
The laboratory is a joint CNRS/University of Grenoble Alpes unit and is attached to the Physics, Engineering, Materials pole of the university. The laboratory is largely oriented towards the interfaces of physics with other disciplines, in particular life sciences and environmental sciences, mechanics or applied mathematics.

Recording the absorption spectra of gaseous molecules with an optical cavity of high finesse
On February 20, 2025
To better understand the formation, composition and evolution of the atmospheres of terrestrial planets, scientists at LIPhy have developed spectrometers using optical cavity spectroscopy (CRDS). Their high sensitivity enables them to accurately record the absorption spectra of various molecules of atmospheric and planetary interest, such as dihydrogen, water or methane, mixed with carbon dioxide.

Inauguration of La Forge, shared assembly workshop
On January 31, 2025
La Forge, LIPhy's shared assembly workshop, was inaugurated on January 31, 2025.

Bubbles are ubiquitous in many research applications, from ultrasound imaging to understanding volcanic eruptions. They are also excellent acoustic resonators, being very small in size compared to the wavelength of the sound they emit. These resonant sound waves contain information about the mechanical properties of materials in the immediate vicinity of the bubble. In a recent publication in Nature Communications, a collaboration between LIPhy's Optima and Move teams proposes to exploit this phenomenon to image a sample by moving a bubble in its vicinity.

Régis Turuban (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)

Thesis defence
High resolution optical-feedback cavity ring-down spectroscopy at 8.45 µm - Quentin Fournier (LAME, LIPhy)
On April 3, 2025
Quentin Fournier (LAME, LIPhy)

Staffan Jacob (Station d’Ecologie Théorique et Expérimentale, Moulis)

Nikita Kavokine (EPFL, Switzerland)

Basile Radisson (MOVE, LIPhy)