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Machine Shop
The mechanical platform of Liphy, composed of five people and labeled as such by the CNRS, consists of the mechanical workshop and a raw material store ...

Design Office
After having collected the specifications and having validated them with the scientists concerned, the design office builds all the parts and realizes ...

Created in 2007, the microFab technical platform is a general service of the Laboratory which offers the manufacture of molds for the development of circuits.

M2Bio is an experimental platform which accompanies you in the realization of your research projects requiring skills in molecular biology.

Confocal Microscope
The Leica SP8 model installed at LIPhy is an instrument shared between the partner laboratories of Labex Tec21, and accessible to external users ...

The microscope combines an AFM head and an inverted optical microscope stand to visualize the probe and the sample ...

Liquid Nitrogen
The distribution of liquid nitrogen is accessible only to authorized persons (internal or external to the laboratory) who have taken note of the ...

Internal services
In addition to the services open to external users, LIPhy has various services reserved for members of the laboratory.
The Experimentarium
Within the framework of the UGA Open Science Workshops, the Experimentarium of LIPhy offers a reception of school groups (middle and high schools) around the ...

Complex Fluids
From experiments illustrating the remarkable properties of matter, the public is invited to discover the approach in Physics

Lacoscope is part of a training through research approach by offering an interdisciplinary project to students.

Botanical treasure hunt
We propose a botanical treasure hunt, to learn how to reacquaint yourself with trees.

Energy in all its forms
What is energy ? Why is it one of the key issues for tomorrow's society ?

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