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It happened at LIPhy



Population dynamics: from rare events to evolution

From December 1, 2022 to December 2, 2022

Rare events are by definition difficult to observe, and their numerical study is all the more complex. A class of methods, "population dynamics algorithms" allowed progress in this area.

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Interaction, Disorder, Elasticity

From November 28, 2022 to November 30, 2022

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

The first GDR IDE Days "Interaction Disorder Elasticity" will be held on the UGA campus.

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Drought is a threat for plants, as it induces gaseous embolisms which can block the circulation of sap in their veins. Recent images at the scale of single leaves have revealed that such embolisms do not invade the vein network smoothly, but rather by intermittent puffs.

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Le son des bulles toriques


Ringing Bubble Rings

On September 27, 2022

Water bubbles have a very sharp acoustic resonance frequency, as evidenced by the sound of bubbling produced in a glass when blowing through a straw. But does this resonance depend on the shape of the bubbles? Although bubbles are most often spherical, they can also be toroidal, like those produced by dolphins in their water games, which are the equivalent of our smoke rings.

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Affiche Cargèse

Summer school

Active Matter and Complex Media

From September 26, 2022 to October 7, 2022

L'école d'été Active Matter and Complex Media aura lieu à l'Institut d'études scientifiques de Cargèse (Corse).

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Elisabeth Charlaix, CNRS Silver Medal 2009, Professor at the University of Grenoble Alpes, conducting research at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Physics (LIPhy, CNRS/UGA), is the winner of the prestigious "Fluid dynamics prize recipient" of the American physical society (APS) which rewards outstanding achievements in the field of fluid dynamics research.

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énergie bleue


Nanofluidics, a path to blue energy

On September 6, 2022

Blue energy from the difference in salinity between fresh river water and salt ocean water is an avenue to explore for the energy transition thanks to the contributions of fundamental research on nanomaterials.

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Mechanisms of cancer cell migration

On June 20, 2022

The migration of cells in 3D media is a complex process and plays a key role in the development of cancers. During metastasis, cancer cells develop a strategy and a mode of migration adapted to their environment to invade other tissues. In this study, we analyzed the migration of cancer cells with different metastatic potentials in various collagen matrices.

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Correlating radio signals with light

On May 19, 2022

Researchers have devised an optical architecture to calculate the correlation of radio signals in an analog way. This operation would make it possible to locate radio transmitters with precision, or to improve the performance of optical interferometry in astronomy.

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Congratulations to Guillaume Godefroy, winner of the 2022 Thesis Prize in radioscience. His thesis: "New approaches for photoacoustic imaging of blood vessels: quantitative 3D imaging of fluctuations and reconstruction assisted by deep learning", defended on October 12, 2021.

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Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy (FFS) is a widespread technique used to evaluate densities or concentrations of molecules, aggregates or particles in biological environments (cells, solutions, surfaces). In reality, when the species of interest are not uniformly fluorescently labeled, these techniques do not give quantitative results.

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Core drills made in LIPhy

On March 4, 2022

The laboratory's mechanics platform has been asked to shape snow corers for the Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques.

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Dense suspensions of soft particles possess relatively complex rheological properties, such as the existence of a threshold stress to flow. A new statistical physics approach allows to obtain a tensor constitutive model from the dynamics of the soft particles of the suspension, and thus to link the rheology to the anisotropy of the microstructure.

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Submitted on July 3, 2024

Updated on July 3, 2024