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Collective motions of animals and robots

Workshop, Lecture

From May 27, 2024 to May 31, 2024


The study and understanding of the collective movement of animals is a topic of interdisciplinary interest that has long attracted the attention of many scientists (in statistical physics, hydrodynamics, ethology, biology, sociology, and now even in the strongly emergent field of robotics).

Group Picture

"Cargese 2024"


List of Speakers :

Profile of Speakers and their presentation

"Cecile-Cottin Bizonne"

Cécile Cottin-Bizonne (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 8.6Mo)

"Guy Therauiaz"

Guy Theraulaz (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 2.9 Mo)

"Julien Pettre"

Julien Pettre (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 7.6 Mo)


Ramiro Godoy-Diana (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 5.52 Mo)

"Gil Ariel"

Gil Ariel (Israel)

Presentation document (PDF, 4.3Mo)

"Stefania Mellilio"

Stefania Melillo (Italy)

Presentation document (PDF, 5 Mo)

"Bertrand Maury"

Bertrand Maury (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 3.5Mo)

"Hamid Kellay"

Hamid Kellay (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 1.7 Mo)

"Alexandre Nicolas"

Alexandre Nicolas (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 1.7Mo)

Franck Ruffier (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 9Mo)

"Iker Zurigel"

Iker Zurigel (Spain)

Presentation document (PDF, 3.3Mo)

Marina Papadopoulou (UK)

Presentation document (PDF, 4.8Mo)

"Leticia Cugliandolo"

Leticia Cugliandolo (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 5.5Mo)

Clément Sire (France)

Presentation document (PDF, 5Mo)


See Programme (104 Ko)


Our financial supports :



From May 27, 2024 to May 31, 2024


Complément lieu

Institut d’Études Scientifiques de Cargèse
Cargese Corsica


Organizers :

Carine Douarche (FAST, Orsay) (Aurélie Dupont) (LIPHY, Grenoble)

Christian Graff (LPNC, Grenoble)

Thibaut Métivet (INRIA, Grenoble) (Philippe Peyla) (LIPHY, Grenoble) 

Submitted on February 13, 2024

Updated on July 8, 2024