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Characterization of Neuronal Cytoarchitecture Using Correlative Imaging Techniques and Advanced Analysis - Marina Eckermann (ESRF)


Le 8 janvier 2024


Marina Eckermann (ESRF)

Marina Eckermann is a physicist with a special interest in neuroscience throughout her career. She studied Physics in Göttingen and Munich, with visits in Edmonton and Grenoble. Also her PhD she did in Göttingen, at the Institute for X-ray Physics, and is now a PostDoc in Peter Cloetens' team at the ID16A-beamline at the European Synchrotron ESRF in Grenoble. In this seminar talk, she will present both past projects from her PhD and ongoing projects: how to tailor X-ray based methods to address medical and in particular neuroscientific questions, and how to combine them with other experimental and advanced analysis techniques. One example is the complex analysis of neurons in the human hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease: with a sophisticated workflow, subtle pathological changes on the sub-nuclear level could be uncovered. This required optimization in data collection and processing, and further involved image segmentation techniques, statistical analysis and mathematical approaches from optimal transport theory.



Contact: Aurélien Gourrier




Le 8 janvier 2024
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LIPhy, salle de conférence

Publié le 7 janvier 2024

Mis à jour le 3 juillet 2024