Print Share Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Share this page URL The laboratory is involved in several Federations and Research Groups (GDR): ISM GDR Interfacial Soft Matter Visit the website EMIE GDR Isolated and Surrounded Molecular Edifices Visit the website Mécabio Santé GDR Mecabio Health Visit the website IDE GDR Interaction, Disorder, Elasticity Visit the website SLAMM GDR Soliciting soft matter Visit the website MePhy GDR Mechanics and Physics of Complex Systems Visit the website MNF GDR Micro and Nano Fluidics Visit the website 2F2N French Federation of Neutronics Visit the website DySCo Complex Systems Dynamics federation Visit the website FED3G Galileo Galilei Federation of Grenoble Visit the website CPTGA Federation of Grenoble-Alpes Theoretical Physics Center Visit the website OLIMPICS Organization for LIving Matter and PhysICS Consulter le site internet Print Share Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Share this page URL