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Plant bioacoustics: a leaf not so deaf (France Culture)

Communiqué / Scientific culture

On October 8, 2024

Bioacoustique végétale

Reputed for its placidity, the plant world is not entirely silent, however, and some plants can even perceive acoustic vibrations. Philippe Marmottant is a guest on France Culture's CQFD program.

Plants are not equipped with sound-producing or sound-receiving organs. However, there are certain situations in which plants emit particular noises, which can be detected in the sound or ultrasound domain. Conversely, numerous experiments show that acoustic vibrations have an effect on plant growth and yield.  The program La science CQFD on Tuesday October 8, 2024 looks at this question with Philippe Marmottant, CNRS Director of research attached to the Interdisciplinary Physics Laboratory (LIPhy) at University Grenoble Alpes, and Adelin Barbacci Biomechanic, specialist in plant immunity at the Laboratory of plants-microbes-environment Interactions (LIPME) in Toulouse.

The show is available as a podcast.


On October 8, 2024

Submitted on February 13, 2024

Updated on October 9, 2024