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On July 2, 2024


The "matostheque" is an online tool for reserving small items of materials. Materials owners add the characteristics and availability of their material to the database. Users can then make a loan request, specifying the dates.

Software features :

  • detailed description of materials with manuals and specifications
  • QR Code generation for display on material for identification by smartphone
  • optional validation request before each loan
  • notifications of borrowed materials and reminders of return dates
  • calculation of GHG emissions linked to the purchase of material and therefore avoided per loan
Illustrations :
Materials database 


Interface intuitive
(Inventory: database, My loans: loans in progress, My materials: materials I have added)


QR Code displayed on a piece of equipment


On July 2, 2024

Plus d'info

Development technology :

Database : Postgresql

Server side : Django

Client side : Nextjs

IT team and (Nomena Randrianiaina) (contact private mail via (ikoriantsouh11[at]gmail[dot]com), Student : L3 UGA)

Submitted on July 2, 2024

Updated on July 2, 2024